What's Bugging You?

Ants are among the most commonly reported pests in the United States. Within the New Jersey and Pennsylvania area, it's likely that you will encounter nuisance ants such as odorous house ants or pavement ants. Ant control is made possible with the help of our comprehensive elimination programs.
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Bats are more common in New Jersey and Pennsylvania than you think. Little brown bats fly at dusk, catching mosquitoes and other small insects around your home, providing natural pest control. The problem with bats is that once they roost in your attic or chimney, they can be difficult to remove. These creatures are protected by state regulations in terms of when and how pest control companies can handle roosting.

Bed Bugs
Sleeping tight won't keep the bed bugs from biting. These pests are great at setting up shop in our homes and sometimes even get into the places where we work and play. All they eat and drink is blood—from us. The experts at Cooper Pest Solutions literally wrote the playbook in the bed bug battle. If you suspect bed bugs, you want us there to help. Want to prevent bed bugs? We can help there too!
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Black giant ichneumon wasps are large flying insects that rest on trees throughout the central and northern United States. You may have noticed them perching on tree bark around your property. Although they are 1.5 inches long with a 5 inch long ovipositor, these wasps are not dangerous as their size may lead you to believe. Their long ovipositor is often mistaken for a stinger on this big wasp. In reality, it's a tool that black giant ichneumon wasps use to inset their eggs into pigeon horntail wasp nests within trees.
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Boxelder Bugs
Boxelder bugs are what is called an "overwintering pest," meaning that they take shelter in wall voids of man made structures over the cold winter months. They live in boxelder trees and feed off vegetation when it's warm, and then flock in large numbers to find a warm place to stay over the winter. Cooper can treat for boxelder bugs to prevent infestations before they even happen.
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Carpenter Ants
Carpenter Ants are wood destroying insects that chew through wood to create their nest. Carpenter ants often invade structures looking for water. Window sills, door frames, kitchens, and attics are all prone to infestation. Our experts can gain control of your buildings carpenter ant problems putting a stop to damage
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Carpenter Bees
Carpenter bees cause damage to wood on homes and buildings by chewing tunnels in the wood to lay eggs. Carpenter bees are large in size and are black and yellow with a shiny black abdomen. Cooper Pest Solutions can provide both preventative and reactionary services for your carpenter bee problem.
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You are most likely to find centipedes in dark, moist areas such as damp basements, entering through the cracks and crevices around your home. Centipedes can appear yellow to dark brown in color, measuring about 2-3 inches long. They are very quick and can be seen darting around, making sudden stops, and then continuing to scurry again.

Cicada killers are large flying insects that resemble oversize bees. They dig holes into the ground to create their nest which you may see on exposed dirt or sparse grass around your home. As their name suggests, cicada killers feed on cicadas, making them beneficial to our ecosystem. Although they won't sting unless provoked, they are still often considered a nuisance and can be treated.
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Clover Mites
Clover Mites are about the size of a pinhead and can be reddish-brown in color. You are most likely to find clover mites in your garden or on your lawn during the early Spring and occasionally during the Fall. They prefer well fertilized lawns and feed on plant matter that grows there. Clover Mites leave red stains when crushed which is a common occurrence.
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Cluster flies are large, slow moving flies that sneak into homes and commercial buildings when the weather starts to become cold. They overwinter within wall voids, attics, and other spaces that are warm and hidden. You'll notice cluster flies when piles of hundreds of dead flies on appear on window ledges inside your office building, seemingly out of nowhere overnight. You might even see live cluster flies clinging to the side of buildings, on the sunniest side of the structure.
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Cockroaches need no real introduction; they have one of the most infamous reputations of any pest. For most they immediately inspire disgust, and they also seem to be surprisingly hard to kill. These nocturnal pests are far more prevalent than most of us would like to believe, and it can be hard to gain control of an infestation. However, at Cooper we have the knowledge and skills to help you control your cockroach problem.
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Crane Flies
Crane flies are often mistaken for large mosquitoes. Although they may look frightening due to their size, they are harmless to humans and do not cause any structural damage. Crane flies do not enter homes on purpose, but instead wander in by accident.
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Both House Crickets and Camel Crickets are common to the New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas. When it's cold outside, they live indoors in places such as kitchens, fireplaces, and cracks and crevices and behind baseboards to keep warm. They prefer to live outdoors when it's warm. The males make a loud chirping sound to attract females, which is usually the first sign that they are in your home. Crickets eat just about any small pest that they can find and will stay where there is a food source, commonly in your home.
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Emerald ash borers () are shiny emerald in color. Adult bodies are 3/8 – 1/2 inch long and 1/16 inch wide. Surprisingly, adults cause little damage to ash trees other than chewing on their leaves. The most destructive phase in the lifecycle is the nearly invisible one: larvae. Emerald ash borer eggs are laid beneath the surface of ash tree bark, chewing galleries through the tree and causing irreversible damage to ash trees across the country. The larval state lasts 1-2 years before they emerge through signature D-shaped holes to mate.
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Fleas are small insects that live on animals such as cats and dogs. This means that they are often introduced to homes when a pet brings them in from the outside. These little insects can jump over 6 inches in the air and their bites cause itchy irritation. At Cooper we understand how distressing fleas and their bites can be for you and your pet, and our skilled technicians can help you to gain control of your flea problem.
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Flying Ants
Flying ants have pinched waists and bent antennae and are often mistaken for swarming termites. They have two sets of wings, one larger than the other. Depending on their species, flying ants may swarm at different times of the year. This can be alarming as they can burst out in hundreds of thousands at a time, with little to no warning. Cooper can help prevent flying ants before they become a problem.
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Are there tiny pests hovering over your indoor potted plants? You may be dealing with fungus gnats. Fungus gnats are small nuisance pests that are unsightly and hard to get rid of without knowing their biology and behavior. Although they are harmless to humans, their presence ruins the aesthetic of the plant-life in your house or office.
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Hornets are stinging insects that you may find around your property when the weather becomes warm. They are one of the most feared pests because of their ability to sting, potentially causing temporary pain or allergic reactions. Hornets are social insects, living in large groups within a single nest that you may find hanging from tree limbs or in bushes and shrubs. It’s important that you take action as soon as possible if you suspect that you are seeing hornet activity at your home or place of business.
Japanese Beetles
Japanese beetles are colorful, ornate insects that can be copper, green, and gold among many other hues. You are likely to see them attacking vegetation such as leaves, destroying them down to the veins. Signs of Japanese beetle activity is easily identified by the damage leftover on leaves that they eat, which looks almost skeletal, like the leaf has been torched.
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Ladybugs are a symbol of luck in pop culture. However, you won’t be so lucky if they decide to move into your home. Ladybugs are “overwintering pests,” which means they make their way indoors in the late fall when the warm weather begins to fade. They invade homes in large quantities and take shelter in wall voids, making them incredibly difficult to remove without professional pest control. Learn More about Ladybugs>

Adorable to some and feared by others, mice are usually gray or tanish brown in color. Mice are prolific breeders, so populations can rapidly get out of control in your home or business. Mice are inquisitive animals and will readily investigate any changes in their environment. They have the ability to enter through very tiny cracks or gaps as small as a 1/4" to find food and warmth. Besides being irritating, mice can cause damage by chewing through electrical wires and defecating in large amounts around your home.
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Many call midges "punkies" or "no-see-ums." In reality, midges and non-biting midges are common nuisance pests for those who live near bodies of water such as lakes, ponds, and rivers. They can travel in massive groups, causing little to no visibility for those who are driving or trying to spend time outdoors. Some humans are even allergic to midge bites which makes their presence potentially dangerous.

Millipedes look like small worms with hundreds of legs. Although they resemble worms, millipedes are not worms at all. These pests can be found living in mulch beds, under rocks, and anywhere else outdoors where they have access to decaying plant matter and moisture. Millipedes will also curl up into a spiral shape and release an unpleasant scent when they feel threatened. These occasional invaders are not able to breed indoors. If you see them in your home, they probably just wandered in by accident and can't find their way out.
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Until recently, getting bitten by mosquitoes was something that only happened as the sun set and the evening arrived. Over the last several years, this has all changed. Now mosquitoes are biting all day and into the night. Responsible for this dramatic change is the Asian Tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. Cooper offers our clients the primer Bite-Free Mosquito Program so you can take back your summer and enjoy your yard again.
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There are several types of moths in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Some may be seen in your home, while others may be seen outdoors which may also be confused with certain types of butterflies. Cooper provides extensive moth monitoring services to fit your individual needs.
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Mud Wasps
Also called “mud daubers,” mud wasps are a type of stinging insect that you may see in the summer. They create nests that resemble long mud tubes or as if mud was thrown at the side of a house or building. Mud wasps are solitary wasps, meaning that they do not live in large groups. You are most likely to find their nests in places where there is shelter such as a garage, under soffits, porch ceilings, and in sheds.
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Pillbugs are often referred to as "roly-polys" because of their tendency to tightly curl up in a ball shape when they are frightened. You are likely to find pillbugs in places with high amounts of moisture such as a basement, bathroom, or outside under rocks.
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Raccoons are notorious for knocking over trash cans and living in attics when faced with a more residential or urban environment. These pudgy animals are unmistakable for their gray coat, small ears, dexterous hands, and a black and white mask across their face. Raccoons are a real problem for homeowners that keep pets outdoors because they run the risk of disease transmission.
Rats are large rodents that live in the New Jersey and Pennsylvania area, as well as across the United States. These nocturnal pests are destructive and create unsanitary environments when they infest residential homes. Urine and feces are of serious concern because of the rodent’s tenancy to get into food and share living space with humans. Their strong teeth can chew through wires, causing electrical outages and problems. Rats will seek food outside, but many times will come inside at night to forage for food and return to their burrows. Needing a water source, they can obtain water from toilets, sinks, rain puddles, or condensation from utility pipes. Their nesting burrows on the outside are often along the foundation of walls.

Silverfish are carrot-shaped and silver-grey in color. These odd looking pests love moisture, so they will often be encountered in basements and bathrooms where their flat bodies allow them to hide in extremely small spaces. Silverfish don′t need much food, but they do like to eat paper products and glue, so they are a potential source of damage to things like books. Silverfish can be difficult, but Cooper′s skilled technicians can help you gain control.
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Skunks are well known for their stinky defense mechanism when faced with a predator. Their smell can waft up to 2 miles away which is why you might smell a skunk but not encounter one. They are nocturnal creatures that create dens under decks and sheds. You might even find a skunk in your basement window well if they've fallen in and can't get back out. Skunks have especially poor vision and are not adept climbers, so they spend time on the ground searching for grub.

There are many different species of spiders that inhabit the northeast region of the United States. However, there are very few species that can do serious harm to humans. Spiders have eight legs and most species build webs to capture their prey. Spiders can infest homes and businesses and treatment is generally aimed in areas of low activity due to the fact that most are passive hunters and need their prey to be caught in their webs. Spiders are commonly found in basements and garages
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Springtails are tiny pests that infest moist areas of your home as well as swimming pools, hot tubs, crawl spaces, mulch, and other outdoor areas. You’ll know that you have springtails when you see large groups of small dark insects that jump. Although springtails are not destructive and do not cause harm to humans or pets, homeowners find them alarming because of the large numbers that occur seemingly out of nowhere.
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Spotted lanternflies are a major threat to local agriculture, sweeping farms and destroying crops such as grapes, hops, apples, peaches, and more. The devastation expands across trees and plants that exist in parks, neighborhoods, and even residential properties. All stages of its life cycle pose new threats and require the help of the public to slow its spread. Learn about spotted lanternfly identification and what you can do to help stop their activity.
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Squirrels can become a pest when they nest in the attic or soffit of your home. The Eastern Gray Squirrel is the most common to our New Jersey and Pennsylvania region and the most likely to become a pest in the region. Typically, they will enter your attic in the fall with the intent of overwintering and building their nest to avoid the elements. Not only do they make loud scratching noises, but they can cause serious damage by chewing through wires and defecating in your home.
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Stink Bugs
Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs will enter structures such as homes or offices in order to survive the cold winter months. Although stink bugs do not pose a risk to the structure or the health of the occupants, they are considered a nuisance due to the numbers in which they infest structures. Recently, we are seeing stink bug populations taking a firm root and entomologists are expecting in-home infestations to increase dramatically.
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Termites are a common structure infesting pest that can cause thousands of dollars worth of damage. Because they rely on wood as their primary food source, termite colonies can become a major problem for wooden structures. Because of the potential damage and the complex techniques used to treat for termites, control is best left in the hands of a professional pest control operator. Cooper Pest Solutions can prevent termites from getting into your home with professional baiting and active termite remediation solutions.
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Ticks are small blood-sucking arachnids that vary in color depending on the species. Generally 1/8- 1/4 of an inch in size, ticks are often found on a host (either a person or family pet) feeding. Ticks are vectors of a number of diseases including Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Tularemia and more recently Powassan Virus. Cooper Pest Solutions can provide you with an effective tick reduction service that will control Deer Ticks, Lone Star Ticks, and American Dog Ticks, reducing their numbers in and around the yard.
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Voles are small rodents that are often mistaken for mice or moles. They're most known for the destruction they cause to yards, golf courses, and parks. Tree roots and bark, ornamental plants, vegetable gardens, grass, and plant roots are main food sources for voles. Not only do they make a mess of lawns and kill plants, voles also have the capability to transmit illnesses to humans such as Hantavirus.

Wasps can range from paper wasps, mud wasps, and more. These stinging insects are abundant in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, making nests in the spring and summer. Wasps can create nests anywhere from sheds, play sets, under eaves and soffits, and garages to name a few. If you've seen wasps flying around your property, it's time for pest control. Learn about wasps biology, behavior, and how pest control professionals handle their nests with our stinging insect information library.
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Yellow Jackets
Yellow jackets are sometimes mistakenly called "bees", but yellow jackets are actually wasps. They may be confused with other wasps, such as hornets, paper wasps, and mud wasps which are other common stinging insects found in the New Jersey and Pennsylvania area. Yellow jackets typically have a yellow and black head/face and patterned abdomen. They have the capability to sting, making their removal imperative.
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