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Ticks have been making the headlines across national and local news outlets due to their resurgence and potential threats to your health and well...

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Tick populations are rapidly advancing in New Jersey and Pennsylvania this year, more so than in past recorded seasons. Due to the mild winter we...

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No one likes the idea of finding a tick on themselves, their child or pet, but is there anything that Manalapan, NJ homeowners can do to prevent...

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Chiggers are tiny little mites related to spiders and ticks that will leave you ready to claw your skin off should you encounter them. Adult chiggers...

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As the weather continues to heat up, more and more people will be spending time outdoors in their leisure time. The warmer weather frequently brings...

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The following article from the National Pest Management Association describes how Homeowners should thoroughly check their pets' fur for fleas and...

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